Crazy Good Deep Dropping Offshore Ft Lauderdale

We’re doing a lot of deep drop fishing off Ft Lauderdale this week and we’re catching some pretty cool stuff. With the surface water temperatures being so hot, it’s sometimes good to go deep this time of year. Snappers and groupers are the main bottom fish that everyone knows. They are biting good around the wrecks. Any wreck in 200+ feet of water should be holding some fish. Our main wrecks are all in the 200-400 ft of water range. Vermilion snapper are a deepwater snapper that we catch by dropping a chicken rig down to the bottom. A chicken rig is a rig with 4 or 5 hooks, each tied individually in a series and each baited with a chunk of squid. The point of the rig is to catch multiple fish on the same drop, or if the snappers are playing with and just picking at the bait, it gives you multiple chances to set the hook on the shy feeding fish. It’s a great rig for bottom fishing and sometimes yields big numbers of fish, very quickly. Vermilion snapper are great because they school up so if you find a spot where you catch 1 or 2, there’s probably a berry patch of them there and if you keep dropping in that area, you might catch a bunch.

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